How Did You Find This Asset(s)?

Our company audits different government agencies on a regular basis for compliance of due process in specific areas, in reference to state generated revenue, to help citizens or organizations within our communities (such as yourself).

How Did My Assets Get Lost?

“Lost” assets may be the result of a business acquisitions and mergers, inheritance, foreclosures on real estate, lost payments or returns on property, businesses or insurance policies, etc.. Over time, mistakes get made on names and addresses, people move, get married, use nicknames, or change their names for various reasons so that it becomes difficult for entities to locate beneficiaries. In some cases, governing laws allow entities to invest the assets and eventually absorb those that remain unclaimed; there is little incentive for the asset holder to make more than a cursory attempt in locating beneficiaries.

Where are the Assets Being Held?

This is proprietary information and can only be disclosed once an agreement of representation is initiated between the claimant and our company, due to liability reasons and more. After the claimant chooses to partner with us and is under our company’s legal umbrella of protection we are more than willing and able to release and discuss all information pertaining to our client’s case.

Can I Recover the Assets Myself?

This varies state-to-state. Powers not granted to the federal government are reserved for states and the people, which are divided between state and local governments.

Nevertheless, just as you can represent yourself (“pro se”) in court proceedings during a (civil or criminal) trial, divorce or lawsuit you can (should the governing law mandate as such) attempt to claim subject proceeds from the government.  Unfortunately, due to the lack of legal knowledge of due process by BOTH parties, claimant and the government agency’s employee(s), only about 30% of these claims are successful. Additionally, there is not an official “appeals” process for claimants to initiate if the claim is denied by the agency holding the funds, creating a favorable advantage.  

How Did You Find Me?

Our methods vary, however, our company is comprised of a diverse variety of subject matter experts and licensed professionals; our research team is inclusive of licensed private investigators. This coupled with our strategic alliance with numerous government agencies by virtue of our compliance audits, allows us access to internal records and information thereof.

How Long Will the Process Take?

That can vary depending on the type of case and complexity of your claim, or the entity holding the assets. Anywhere from 3 to 18 months.