Our Company’s Mission is to Give Back to

Our Communities and The People Within

for a Better Tomorrow…

…through helping to ensure due process of law - entitled to every citizen - by providing a “checks and balances” methodology for governmental power to our clients.

How It Works


The Audit.

One of the state’s largest sources of revenue is known as escheat or escheatment, which refers to our government’s right to take ownership of estate assets, abandoned or unclaimed financial and real property. A major controversy among the public is summed up with one question. “Who is tasked with finding or informing the rightful owners of the subject property, assets(s) and monies?” Yes, our State(s) Government, the same institution that will benefit by gaining a profit from your continued loss. For this very reason our CEO, Patsy Hawa, created an unbiased and just third-party organization. Through our company’s audit(s) of government agency’s internal records and processes, we strive to ensure *due process of law is adhered to for our clients.

HQ Real Property Alliance Resources, LLC. audits numerous governmental agencies across the country to locate sums of money owed to private individuals and companies within our communities. If these funds go unclaimed for an extended period of time, ownership will transfer by escheatment to the state (state statutes govern the given periods of time and vary from state to state).

*(Due process is a course of formal proceedings carried out regularly and in accordance with established rules and principles; is the fair treatment of individuals through the judicial system, especially a citizen’s entitlement to notice.)


Your Silence Gives Consent

- Plato

The Claim.

Our firm works on a contingent basis and is responsible for all upfront cost, there are no out-of-pocket expenses to you. We invest in your success. We will manage all aspects of the claim. Including, but not limited to, any Interpleader Action requested of the courts by the government agency holding your financial assets. We are paid ONLY upon successful collection of your claim.

After you have spoken to a member from our Business Development Team, and once you have had an opportunity to review our company’s fee agreement, we will schedule a local notary to meet you at a desired location of your convenience. Our goal is to make this process as enjoyable and seamless as possible. The notary is instructed to provide our client(s) with copies of all the signed documents for their recordkeeping purposes.


Our Company’s Success Rate is 98%

The Recovery.

There is not an official “appeals” process for claimants to initiate if the claim is denied by the agency holding the funds. This creates a favorable advantage for the government.

With an accomplished success record of 98% our experienced Subject Matter Experts will protect your best interest. We have a firm understanding of process protocol, an experienced knowledgebase and quality resources to utilize.